Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Social Networking

I already had LinkedIn and Facebook accounts before starting this course, so this task was relatively easy. However, I will admit that I had not been using either of them very much, so this was an impetus to contact more people to add to each of my groups. So that was fun! Overall, I feel like social networking, along w/wikis and blogs, are just another thing to have to worry about and keep track of. It's so easy, now, to be in touch w/so many people and to have access to so much information that I actually find it overwhelming. The idea of going "off the grid" is sometimes very appealing...

Also, I don't know how keen I am that people can track's kind of stalker-y...

What is the difference between a blog and a wiki? What sort of things might be better suited for a blog and better suited for a wiki?

Blog: self-indulgent ramblings
Wiki: group-indulgent ramblings

Monday, March 17, 2008

How do you think you could use RSS feeds at your library? How do you think patrons could use RSS feeds?

I use RSS feeds on a daily basis as part of my job. They are incredibly useful for keeping up to date with what's generating buzz in my field. Unfortunately, it's easy to get sucked into all kinds of feeds that aren't necessarily as relevant to the task at hand. AND, it can get overwhelming with the huge amount of information "out there"--it's daunting to look at my reader after a 3 day weekend and see over 300 posts...